What does the inside of your ice machine look like?

The FDA defines ice as a food and its preparation should be considered as carefully as a meal. Dirty ice can lead to poor health inspection results, negative attention on social media and bad reviews, lawsuits, and most importantly, exposure to bacteria like salmonella and norovirus.

The moist environment inside your machine is the perfect breeding ground for pathogens and mold.

Many parts of your machine stay warm 24/7 and internal systems frequently need sanitization. Most brands and the FDA recommend cleaning every six months at minimum.

Our Services

Close-up of Clean Ice employee

Ice Machine Cleaning

Our expert technicians will disassemble your machine to remove pathogens, algae, and biofilm from every surface inside and out.

Air & Water Filter Replacement

Proper installment and regular maintenance for machine-specific filters will increase the life of your machine.

Inspector Education

Our specialists are available to consult with and provide education to health inspectors in order to ensure proper safety checks.